... I am so satisfied with my life lately. Sure, I haven't yet made myself get fit or wealthy, but I'm loving the fact that Spring is inevitable and that I'm this close to having successfully completed one of the most intense (and magical) periods of my life so far. Oh, the whole truth of the hosting experience won't be evident until some time has past, but I already know that I feel so full from being here. Want to see what I've been up to?
Click on over to my Flickr page.
Last weekend Niki, Charlotte, Robin, Jackie and I drove to Charlotte for Gypsy Meltdown, an amazing contra dance weekend. It was sunny and warm (!) and we packed a picnic, hoops, and our dancing shoes. The whole weekend was spent dancing ourselves into sweaty, blissful grinning piles of tiredness. The people were fantastic, I made new friends, got to dance in my favorite ways, taught some hooping in the sun, and topped it all off with late night crashing at my Mom & Step-dad's house (including 2am soaks in the wee hot tub). Ahhh!
Kenny has agreed with me that a perfect birthday weekend could include another contra weekend, so we are officially going to Bug Stomp in Charleston! Not only will I get to relive the amazingness of this past weekend, but I'll have my sweetheart with me as well, and we get to stay with our lovely friend Lilla, whose home I have not yet seen. Oh, and it's Charleston. In April. How good can life get?!
So now I'm back, and it's cold and snowing, and I have a million things I'd like to do this week (my last week of hosting). Blogging my past few classes is one of them.
Jessica, your 6 months are up already. I can't believe it. I was at the Folk School in October when you were just getting started and I'll be back on Sunday. It didn't occur to me that you might not be hosting anymore. You invited me the Ravelry group for the Folk School and everything.
Good luck to you wherever you go and best wishes to you and Kenny.
Thanks for blogging about all of this Jess. I didn't think I could get more excited about my upcoming host stint....then I read your blog! I've already started my list of potential classes I want to take if I can get a spot:)
You know, Jess, Charleston is only 2 hours from Savannah...
Just sayin'. ;)
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