I found three Haiti-tagged patterns that I've been meaning to buy, and had put them in my queue at some point in the past few months, so I bought them using my PayPal account (which is staying in the black because of other people who buy handmade from this independent craftster. Are we using the internet in the best way possible or what?!) Here are the patterns I chose to buy:
End of May Mittens by Mandy Powers (Rav link)
(Loved these from the moment I saw them. Stranded colorwork in worsted weight? Only one ball of each color and you're done with the set plus enough left over to make a hat? Yes, please.)
Veyla by Ysolda Teague. Enough said. (Rav link) I told my bestest Vermonter bridesmaid that I would knit her a pair of these, like, forever ago. Sorry Jules! But look, maybe it'll happen now that I've finally bought the pattern!
Ahh, the marvelous squirrel. Always so cute, sometimes white (Brevard) or black (Princeton), usually misspelled (by me). These Squirrel Sampler Mittens from Hello Yarn caught my fancy because they're lined, and you can put a name or date on the front. Perfect. (Rav link).
Ahhh, retail therapy! Because of my New Years Resolution #2, of course, I won't be knitting up any of these mittens for awhile now (and oh my god, I just now realized I bought three mittens patterns. Seriously, it did not occur to me at all during the oggling/purchasing spree that they were ALL FREAKING MITTENS. Awesome. Must do more shopping at night.) So once I finish my wedding shawl, and the crazy Fair Isle cardigan, and the brown yoke pullover, I may indeed cast on for one--or all-- of these.
Now go, do some supporting of your own.
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