18 March, 2009

"Short fat seedlings are healthy seedlings"

Just something I read on someone else's blog today. Um, it's way too late for me to still be up and in front of the laptop. But chapters must be written. I just finished up my chapter on clay and the ways I reckon it might be taught, and the whys and hows of all that. It's like 75% earthen clay stuff, 20% polymer clay stuff, and 5% stuff about using homemade clays. My thesis is a project, really, and has to include the standard thesis-type chapters (introduction, research methods, results of said research, literature review, and conclusion). In addition to those 5 bad boys, I am including the project part (it's a book, I want to publish it after graduating) which means more chapters; essentially, one on each craft I've had experience teaching. I gots a clay chapter, a weaving & basketry chapter (so grouped because of their similar emphasis on the "under-over" principle), a wax & dye chapter, a needle arts chapter, an, um... oh no, I'm forgetting.

A glossary, kid-friendly. A bibliography (that comes on all standard model theses). A little pre-page that has notes on the manuscript (why I say crafts, craft, handwork, practical arts, and manual arts all interchangeably). And an "other crafts" chapter which, honestly, I'll probably scrap since time is ticking by.

Just wanted to check in... see you all blearily sometime after March 30th.

Oh yeah! I made this:
It didn't take long, I swear. Anything to appease the Silky Wool gods (god, I love that yarn). This was woven (of course) on my new Rigid Heddle loom (yayyyy) over the course of 3 evenings. Piece o'cake. Warm & squishy. Comfort in the dark. Raveled here.

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