31 October, 2009

Soaps are up at Etsy!

My handmade soap bars have finished curing and are ready to pack up and send to YOU! My position as host is unpaid and I would love to support myself (read: pay off student loans) by selling what I make while I'm here. Oh, and they're CHEAP! If you order soon, I'm throwing in a free sample bar of another variety! Order a few bars and I may just include a handful of samples. Feel free to regift to your heart's content!

So, which ones float your boat?

Simple, unscented and hand-stamped

Sweet spearmint bars-- vegan!

Nag Champa and oatmeal

Calendula: round slices with organic calendula flowers

All-natural blueberry and lavender bar

(My personal favorites: lemony calendula bars that smell delicious!)

Peppermint morning soap with coffee grounds for scrubbing!

Where my foodies at? Salt and pepper soap may be rare but I think it's a perfectly respectable combination!

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Jessica K.. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr